Involve less cost in raising funds than equity shares, ii. Debt financing is beneficial only if the internal rate of return of the concern is greater than its cost of capital; otherwise it adversely affects the shareholders. Financial Institutions 6. For example, in India, dividends are free from tax liability for shareholders; however, the organization pays tax on dividend before its distribution at the rate of 12.5%. The value of shares is calculated according to various principles in different capital markets. Preference shares give preferential rights to their holders in comparison to equity shares. From investors point of view, equity shares are riskier as there is uncertainty regarding dividend and capital gains. This is one of the important sources of internal financing used for fixed as well as working capital. Long term 2; Basics Long term finance - Funding obtained exceeding three years in duration. Foreign Capital. A financial plan is typically considered long-term when its goals span more than a year into the future. The SPN holder has an option to sell back the SPN to the company at par value after the lock-in period. Increase cost of capital when an organization raises fund from equity shares. In other words, a debenture is an agreement between a debenture holder and an organization, which acknowledges that the organization would repay the debt at a specified date to debenture holders. This may hamper the smooth functioning of an organization at times. The advantages and disadvantages of term loans from the lenders and borrowers point of view are discussed below: (a) Term loans are provided by banks and other financial institutions against security because of which the term loans are secured. The recipient of a long-term bank loan incurs a debt and is liable to pay interest . His position is akin to that of a person who uses the asset with borrowed money. Depending on various factors, the period can stretch for more than 5 to 20 years. The borrowing company needs to follow a repayment schedule for paying back the term loan to the financial institution. 3.5 Profitability and liquidity ratio analysis. These preference shares are issued for a fixed time-period and are paid during existence of the organization. A company can also raise funds through issue of preference sharesa special type of share capital. These loans carry at a floating rate of interest and predetermined maturity period. These preference shares are only paid at the time of liquidation of the organization. The companys credit rating also plays a major role in raising funds via long-term or short-term means. These are the companys free reserves, which carry nil cost and are available free of charge without any interest repayment burden. This article is a guide to the Long-Term Financing definition. Thus flexibility is not available in case of loans from financial institutions where the loans are repaid in instalments resulting in heavy burden in the earlier years of a project, whereas the project may actually generate substantial cash flows in later years. They are issued under the common seal of the company acknowledging the receipt of money. Registered Debentures Refer to the debentures that are registered in the books of the organization. An additional disadvantage from borrowers viewpoint is that the loan contracts contain certain restrictive covenants which restrict the managerial freedom. The board members vote on whether or not new investments should be pursued and the type of financing the company should use. Equity shares offer the following advantages to the company: (i) Permanent Source of Funds Equity capital is a permanent capital, and is available for use as long as the company continues. Carry high risks as these are secured loans, iii. Out of the realised value of assets, first the claims of creditors and then preference shareholders are satisfied, and the remaining balance, if any, is paid to equity shareholders. Instalment credit 5. Borrowing for long-term means that the business does not expect to repay this debt in less than five years. ii. You can learn more about excel modeling from the following articles: . A holder of a zero-coupon bond does not receive any coupon or interest payments. This chapter deals with the major vehicles of both types of financing. Privacy Policy 9. A bond that is sold at a discount on its par value and has a coupon rate significantly less than the prevailing rates of fixed-income securities with a similar risk profile. CFA Institute Does Not Endorse, Promote, Or Warrant The Accuracy Or Quality Of WallStreetMojo. Long term sources of finance are those, which remains with the business for a longer duration of time. High gearing on the company may affect the valuations and future fundraising. SOURCES OF LONG TERM FINANCE Presented by: Anu Damodaran MBA G Semester 2 AUD0260 Amity University, Dubai 1; Finance Finance is life blood of business Sources of finance 1. However, for obtaining further finance in case of any existing company, the management should, as far as possible, avoid issuing equity shares. (ii) Over-Capitalisation Retained earnings are used for the issue of bonus shares which may result to over-capitalisation without any corresponding increase in its earnings. Long-term finance generally helps businesses in achieving their long-term strategic goals. It is also referred to as ploughing back of profit. From, Managements (Borrowers) Point of View: (a) It is less costly as a source of finance. In most of the cases, equity shareholders do not get anything in case of liquidation. Internal finance includes the funds generated within the corporate unit irrespective of the nature of source. Raising funds through equity shares for long-term investment as these shares are repaid during the lifetime of the organization, iii. Share capital or Equity shares Debentures refer to long-term debt instruments issued by a government or corporation to meet its financial requirements. It just requires a resolution to be passed in the annual general meeting of the company. Most of the new instruments are simply old conventional instruments with some added features. A debenture is a certificate issued by a company under its seal acknowledging a debt due by it to its holders. ii. The money raised from the market does not have to be repaid, unlike debt financing which has a definite repayment schedule. (iv) Ownership Dilution If the new shares are issued to the public, it may dilute the ownership and control of the existing shareholders. Advantages and Disadvantages of Loans from Financial Institutions: Such loans offer all the advantages and disadvantages of debenture financing. Increase the chances of government interference in the functioning of organization, as these loans are mainly provided by financial institutions, which are owned by the government. Preference shares are a long-term source of finance for a company. Capital expenditures in fixed assets like plant and machinery, land and building, etc of business are funded using long-term sources of finance. Bearer debenture holders can transfer their debentures without giving any prior information to the organization. In India, the two terms, bonds and debentures are used interchangeably. When these are redeemed on its maturity date after seven years, the holder will get Rs.20,000 for every bond. (iii) Helpful in Following a Balanced Dividend Policy Such a company can follow the policy of paying regular and balanced dividends because it can use retained earnings for paying dividends in the years when there are inadequate profits. Long term sources of finance are the institutions or agencies or institutions from which finance/ funds can be raised for a long period of time. (d) Since term loans do not represent debt financing, neither the control nor the profit sharing of the equity shareholders is diluted. Plagiarism Prevention 5. The company's net worth can be calculated using two methods: the first is to subtract total liabilities from total assets, and the second is to add the company's share capital (both equity and preference) as well as reserves and surplus. For availing the benefit of trading on equity, it is essential to issue debentures or preference shares with fixed yields lower than the earning rate of the company. Is a loan taken from the public by issuing debentureIssuing DebentureDebentures refer to long-term debt instruments issued by a government or corporation to meet its financial requirements. The total value of retained profits in a company can be seen in the equity section of the balance sheet. The term preference indicates that they rank ahead of the companys ordinary shareholders for the payment of dividends, and have a prior claim on the companys assets if the company is wound up. The main advantage is that it is not been paid immediately or within shorter time duration. Hence, improving the companys credit rating might help the organizations raise long-term funds at a much cheaper rate. Suppose a company wants to raise money via NCD from the general public. The term loan agreement is a contract between the borrowing organization and lender financial institution. Provide no voting rights to debenture holders, ii. Sources of Long Term Financing #1 - Equity Capital #2 - Preference Capital #3 - Debentures #4 - Term Loans #5 - Retained Earnings Examples of Long Term Financing Sources Advantages of Long Term Financing Limitations of Long Term Financing Important Points to Note Recommended Articles Provide low returns to preference shareholders, ii. Equity Shares, also known as ordinary shares, represent the ownership capital in a company. ii. The advantages of preference shares are as follows: i. (v) Not Entitled to Tax-Benefits Lessee is not entitled to certain tax benefits like depreciation and investment allowance because he is not the owner of the asset. Thus the scarce financial resources of the business may be preserved for other purposes. (c) In addition to collateral security, restrictive covenants are also imposed by the lenders which lead to unnecessary interference in the functioning of the business concern. Convertible Preference shares Refer to the shares that can be converted into equity shares after a certain time-period. This source of finance does not cost the business, as there are no interest charges applied. The company may either raise funds from the market via IPOIPOAn initial public offering (IPO) occurs when a private company makes its shares available to the general public for the first time. A new company can raise finance only from external sources such as shares, debentures, loans etc. Create pressure on an organization to make profit at any cost as the interests on these loans are very high and may be paid on quarterly and half yearly basis, iv. In USA there is a distinction between debentures and bonds. Despite the above disadvantages, the ploughing back of profits is a popular source of long-term finance and is widely used by most of the companies. Help in maintaining good relation with financial institutions, iii. Investors who desire to invest in safe securities with a regular and fixed income have no attraction for such shares. 3) Long-term Sources of finance. The trustee is responsible for ensuring that the borrowing company fulfills the contractual obligations mentioned in the contract. (c) Financial institutions may insist the borrower to convert the term loans into equity. Debentures normally carry a fixed interest rate and a certain date of maturity. There are term lending institutions sponsored by governments or reputed banks. The companys management needs to be assured about creating a mix of short-term and long-term financing sources. The warrant gives a right to the debenture holder to obtain equity shares specified in the warrant after the expiry of a certain period at a price not exceeding the cap price specified in the warrant. (i) Additional Source of Finance Leasing facilitates the use of assets without making any immediate payment. (iii) Free from Restrictive Covenants Lease financing is free from restrictive covenants whereas the financial institutions often put a number of restrictions on borrowers, such as, conversion of loan into equity, appoint nominee directors, restrictions on payment of dividend, and so on. Being the owners of the company, they bear the risk of ownership also. Non-Convertible Debentures Refer to the debentures that have no right to get converted into the equity shares during their maturity period. Owner of the asset is called Lessor and the user is called Lessee. Debt Capital 9. and is accumulated from the capital market. A portion of debenture can be converted into equity shares, the second portion may be redeemed after some period, and third portion may be non- convertible and continue to provide interest at the option of the holder. Allow debenture holders to receive payment before equity and preference shareholders even at the time of liquidation of an organization. Irredeemable Preference Shares Refer to the shares that are not paid during the existence of the organization. The main sources of term loans are commercial banks, Industrial development Bank of India (IDBI), Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India (ICICI), and Industrial Finance Corporation of India (IFCI). Besides asset security, the lender of the term loans imposes other restrictive covenants to the borrower depending upon the nature of the project and the financial condition of the borrowing company. The profit reinvested as retained earnings is profit that could have been paid as a dividend. Medium term finance One to three years. Preference Shares 3. Allows the equity shareholders to interfere in the internal affairs of an organization. It may come from different sources such as equity, debt, hybrid instruments, or internally generated retained earnings. Help in raising funds from investors who are less likely to take risks, iii. A portion of the net profits may be retained in the business for use in the future. Equity and Loans from Government 2. They are entitled to dividends after paying the preference dividends. The advantages of term loans are as follows: ii. (a) They are cheap although they have an opportunity cost, that is, the return they could have obtained elsewhere. iii. After studying this lesson, you will be able to: explain the meaning and purpose of long term . The dividend policy of the company is determined by the directors. These are foreign direct investment, foreign portfolio investment and foreign commercial borrowings. Foreign Capital. SBA 7 (a) loans, for example, range from $25,000 . Similarly, when the company is wound up, they can exercise their claim on those assets which are left after the payment of all other claims including that of preference shareholders. Tax liability on dividends differs in different zones, states, and countries. Lease financing, therefore, does not affect the debt raising capacity of the enterprise. For example, a ZCB offered by a financial institution has a face value of Rs.20,000 but will be issued to the subscribers as part of this offer at Rs.11,980. Each share has a certain face value which is also called its nominal value. An organization pays interest on the irredeemable debentures till its existence. Cumulative Preference Shares Refer to the shares for which dividends get accumulated over a period of time. SBA loans offer competitive rates and repayment periods of up to 25 years. Preference Shares 3. The amount borrowed is paid back in installments over a predetermined agreed period of time usually 10, 20 or 30 years. Funds required for a business may be classified as long term and short term. Further, this provision has been incorporated in the corporate laws by section 43(a) (ii) of Companies Act, 2013. Preference share capital is another source of long-term financing for a company. Allow an organization to raise secured loans. Interest is computed on the amount of the unpaid balance of the loan at each payment period. Convertible Debentures Refer to the debentures that have right to get converted into the equity shares after a specific period of time. The warrant is a traceable negotiable instrument and is listed on stock exchanges. Restrictive covenants are binding legal obligations written in the loan agreement to safeguard the interest of the lender. Providing higher dividends to equity shareholders whenever an organization makes huge profit, v. Providing voting rights to equity shareholders of an organization. The right of lenders to appoint nominee directors on the board of the borrowing company may further restrict the managerial freedom. (ii) No Advantage of Trading on Equity If a Company issues only equity shares, it will be deprived of the benefits of trading on equity. Debentures are usually secured by a charge on the immovable properties of the company. This includes short-term working capital, fixed assets, and other investments in the long term. There are different vehicles through which long-term and short-term financing is made available. However, they rank behind the companys creditors. Long-term financing is a mode of financing that is offered for more than one year. You have learnt about short term finance in the previous lesson. Allow shareholders to receive dividend after payment is made to each and every stakeholder. Also, the use of retained earnings does not require compliance of any legal formalities. You are free to use this image on your website, templates, etc., Please provide us with an attribution link. Allow the organization to pay interest on a monthly, quarterly, and half yearly basis at a mutually agreed rate, iv. They are a flexible source of finance provided by the banks to meet the long-term capital needs of the organization. Long-term financing is a mode of financing that is offered for more than one year. The sources of long-term finance refer to the institutions or agencies from, or through which finance for a long period can be procured. A debenture is a form of financial instrument that provides long-term debt to an organization. (ii) Fall in the Market Value of Shares If the company does not earn sufficient profits, the shareholders have to bear the loss because of fall in the market value of shares. Allow preference shareholders to receive dividends out of profit earned by the organization, iv. The ever growing financial requirements of the corporate sector have resulted in an intense competition between them to corner investors funds. (vii) No Effect on Debt-Equity Ratio Lease is considered a hidden form of debt because neither the leased asset nor the lease liability is depicted on the balance sheet. In other words, bonus shares are issued when an organization has sufficient profit but is in need of more working capital at that particular time. Equity warrant is generally attached to non-convertible debentures as a sweetener to improve their marketability. Both convertible and non-convertible debentures may be issued along with a detachable warrant. Russian President Vladimir Putin is preparing for a long-term war of attrition, having realised that he would not be able to quickly take over Ukraine . It involves financing for fixed capital required for investment in fixed Assets. On the contrary, the investors who are more ambitious and ready to bear risk in consideration of higher returns prefer these shares. (viii) Tax Benefits Lease rentals can be adjusted in such a way that the lessee can reduce his tax liability. (ii) Tax Benefits The lessor is entitled to claim the depreciation of leased asset and thus reduces his tax liability. They are a common source of long-term finance. They have unrestricted claim on income and assets of the company and possess all the voting power in the company. They may be paid a higher rate of dividend in times of prosperity and also run the risk of no dividends in the period of adversity. Copyright 2023 . The volatility of markets is a major factor that should be considered to determine the price of a share in the market at a particular point of time. Debentures are offered to the public for subscription in the same way as for issue of equity shares. Companies can also raise internal finance by selling off assets for cash. Image Guidelines 4. (vi) Benefit of Maintenance Lessee gets the benefit of maintenance and specialized services provided by the lessor. (iv) Bonus Shares Equity shareholders have a claim on the residual income of the company. When businesses need to use the money in the long term (more than five years), this creates the need for long-term finance. Loans from co-operatives 1. The term loans may be converted into equity at the option and according to the terms and conditions laid down by the financial institutions. Are used interchangeably dividend and capital gains ordinary shares, debentures, loans etc issued for a longer of! A repayment schedule, for example, range from $ 25,000 definite schedule... Website, templates, etc., Please provide us with an attribution link on income and assets of organization. Dividends get accumulated over a period of time the common seal of the cases equity. Do not get anything in case of liquidation of an organization also, the they! Income have no attraction for such shares the equity shares after a time-period... 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